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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Speeding in Turkey (part 1)

Everyday on the way to school and every Sunday morning on the way to sailing class I pass at least one "traffic control" checkpoint set up by the police. In my head I've run through the scenario a hundred times as to what I would say and how I would handle it. "Sir, this is a rental car and the left rear tail light is not my responsibility" or "Sir, I am driving my children to school and cannot be late or they will face the derision of their classmates," or in my heart of hearts, "Me? You're pulling me over? You have got to be kidding. Can you see how crazy everyone drives here and yet somehow you manage to single me out?" 

When it actually happened yesterday morning on the way to sailing class it was frankly a little anti-climactic. I love these bright crisp fall/winter Sundays when we get on the boat and wasn't thinking about cops with radar guns until it was too late. About a kilometer later they flagged me down and I joined a line of cars waiting to get tickets. Dang it. Late for sailing class and a 130 lira fine ($90) in my pocket. Of course when you're in a production line waiting for your ticket there really isn't much opportunity for conversation, certainly not at the speed I speak. It also happened to be below freezing so basically it came down to him:"101 kilometers" Me: "The limit is 120". Him: "but 85 in a kamyonet (small truck)." Unfailingly polite, he traced the numbers out on my ticket with a gloved finger just to be sure I understood."

As it turns out, the type of small van we have is usually used as a commercial truck and is not allowed to go as fast as a passenger car on the highways. We've never felt all that safe in our little truck but now our fear has been officially confirmed by the Turkish highway patrol. By the way, 85 kilometers per hour is only 51 miles per hour on the highway. We might as well drive on the shoulder.

The good news is that you get a discount if you pay your fine within 10 days. More to come.

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